full recognition

美 [fʊl ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]英 [fʊl ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]
  • 正式承认
full recognitionfull recognition
  1. His government did not receive full recognition by Britain until July .


  2. Therefore , a full recognition of the public goods theory is necessary .


  3. The State Ministry of Finance and the State Housing Reform Office granted full recognition to this .


  4. Their statistical results are very accurate , clarity , report format to get the full recognition of the user .


  5. Successful marketing is based on the adoption of correct cross-cultural marketing strategy and full recognition of the cultural features of consumers .


  6. Based on the characteristics of traditional Chinese art of printmaking retrospective watermark , watermark prints in full recognition includes traditional creative factor .


  7. For leaders of the armed forces then retired to give full recognition of the management and administration of the army veteran put forward new requirements .


  8. Third , we will act with the full recognition that our success in Afghanistan is inextricably linked to our partnership with Pakistan .


  9. Therefore , we should give full recognition on the capital adequacy requirement since it is the core of bank regulation system as one of instruments and measures of bank regulation .


  10. In full recognition of China since reform and opening up to improve income levels in the tremendous achievements , based on objective description of the overall income gap in China changes .


  11. The achievements made by Ricky have gained full recognition in interior design industry in both Hong Kong and the mainland , even in the whole Southeast Asia region .


  12. A full recognition of the differences between China and the West in the style of humor and the habit of aesthetic appreciation contributes to the creation and use of humor .


  13. The mainland consciousness that artist have possessed is a form of root consciousness pf life and used to interpret and complement it by the full recognition and deeply-digging exposure .


  14. After a series tests , the system is put into trial operation in a energy company , achieved full recognition of the end-user , and make an significant contribution to the modernization of enterprise energy information management .


  15. The essence of administrative legality is an effective ruling of administrative power through a correct procedure , in which the administrative power could be appropriately restricted with a full recognition of rights of the opposite side .


  16. Our country should be recognize the limited right of recourse of tort additional persons . Both of the practices : a complete denial of the right of recourse or full recognition of the recourse are defective .


  17. Through analysis of the practical examples , three hypotheses have been expounded and proved in order to explain that a full recognition of context / situation is of great significance to correct comprehension of an utterance and to our daily smooth communication .


  18. Free poetry achievements is higher , and has certain characteristics , Yu Xuan ji thought beyond the era , has certain progress ; in the full recognition of its creation achievement and contribution while , pointed out its thought and poetic deficiencies .


  19. That the service work of clinical nursing low education , low skills , simple and complex , the nurse in the hospital of low status , work hard , are not paid in full recognition and compensation , not engaged in or out of the clinical work .


  20. Conclusion : The patients with ileus of enterolith possess autogenous characteristics in the etiology and op ˉ erative treatment , and full recognition , correct prevention and essential operation are of utmost importance in the clinical management of this disease .


  21. Charging auto-identification , only a real charge will direct more power consumption ," false " full cell recognition .


  22. Using N-folder cross to evaluate it , company full name recognition accuracy achieved 94.6 % , recall is 91.4 % , and F-Value is 92.9 % .


  23. However , this feature recognition is not good for the face images which have the existence of occlusion or pollution of to its relatively poor robustness , while full face recognition are also vulnerable to changes of facial expressions .


  24. The Supreme Court 's first rulings on same-sex marriage produced historic gains for gay rights Wednesday : full federal recognition of legally married gay couples and an opening for such unions to resume in the nation 's most-populous state .


  25. The international community should give Pakistan full understanding , recognition and necessary support .


  26. With the rapid development of world economic growth and education , continuing education , the role and functions into full play and recognition .


  27. Quick response matrix codes ( QR code ) is a kind of matrix two dimensional barcode , it can be a full range of recognition and effectively express Chinese characters , at present it has been widely applied in our country .


  28. The industry is still at least several years away from full integration of voice recognition into applications .


  29. The process of winning full market economy status recognition worldwide will be the important outside impetus to China 's economy reform .
